JP | Term in Japanese |
RO | Romanization of Japanese term |
PR | Pronunciation of Japanese term |
PY | Pinyin version of term |
(JP: 硯; PR: "soo-zoo-ree")
Known as an "inkstone" in English, this is a piece of stone (or ceramic or other hard material) on which solid ink sticks are rubbed in water to produce liquid ink.
Inkstones usually have a shallow, flat depression on which ink sticks can be rubbed and a deeper trough in which the liquid ink can be stored. Inkstones are sometimes carved with decorative designs, and depending on the quality of the stone and the workmanship, they can be quite valuable.
JP | Term in Japanese |
RO | Romanization of Japanese term |
PR | Pronunciation of Japanese term |
PY | Pinyin version of term |